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Anatomy and Physiology for Dummies

File Size: 29.4
Edition: 2nd
Pages: 367
Publisher: Dummies
Format: PDF

Anatomy and Physiology for Dummies 2nd Edition.
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Product Description

Anatomy and Physiology for Dummies.
Download free PDF book of Anatomy and Physiology for Dummies.

The book covers all the major systems of the body, including the skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and nervous systems. It explains the basic anatomical terms, the functions of each system, and how the different parts of the body work together. The text is accompanied by clear illustrations and diagrams to help visualize the concepts.

Anatomy and Physiology for Dummies is an invaluable resource for students, healthcare professionals, and anyone interested in learning more about the human body. It breaks down complex topics into easy-to-understand language, making it an ideal starting point for developing a fundamental understanding of anatomy and physiology.


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