Grade Eleven Books

Subjects studied in Grade Eleven in Afghanistan Schools

1. Geography:

Physical and human geography have a brief introduction in 11th grade while dealing with physical geography of the world in general. Among other things, the course includes universal geography, climatic regions, biomes and geography’s role in people’s distribution and development.


2. Islamic Studies:

Islamic Studies aim at the development of in-depth knowledge on Islamic beliefs, morality and use of the Islamic values in the society of today. In matters of Islamic law, students study Sharia and the history of the Islamic Faith such as the Propher Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him).


3. Math:

The term Mathematics in Grade 11 consists of the following sections: calculus, trigonometry, & algebra and others. This is when the students employ the mathematical abilities to create a whole set of puzzles and they are also trained in the art of critical thinking.


4. Pashto Language:

Most studies in Pashto language encompass the advanced grammar, literature and writing. It is a combination of storytelling, essay writing, and fluency improvement of spoken and written Pashto as well as the reading of Pashtu classics.


5. Tafseer:

Tafseer is the detailed justification and the knowledge of the meaning of the Quran. Pupils use as their basis the Quran which is the source of the meanings of some verses and the change it has in the society, from an ethical and moral aspect.


6. English Language:

At grade eleven, English covers basic work for the groundwork of the academic skill of advanced reading, writing, as well as comprehension. The students study diverse text types, use critical thinking skills to develop essays, and speak English clearly.


7. Biology:

In Grade 11, the Biology course becomes somewhat sophisticated covering also genetics, evolution, and human health. Respective of the scopes of the offered topics, learners perform explorative research to increase insights into critical activities in biology and the biosphere of Earth.


8. Dari Language:

dari: the obtainment of the literary skills through deep analysis, essay writing, and interaction is the largest teaching facility in Dari discussions.


9. Civic Studies:

Civic Studies are guiding the leading citizens irrespective of their locations and citizenship and rights. The program: awareness of people in the community and directing their attention to the performance of their duties in the commonwealth.

10. Chemistry:

At the 11th-grade level, chemistry programs progressively introduce students to more and more difficult topics such as chemical bonding, reactions, organic chemistry, and thermodynamics. Pupils execute experiments and understand how chemical theories are used in everyday life situations.

11. Computer:

The emphasis of computer studies is to equip the learner with thorough digital literacy that includes such qualities as programming, databases, and cybersecurity. The students will have to utilize computer tools to solve puzzles and work with data properly.


12. Physics:

Physics Class 11 offers subjects such as electromagnetism, thermodynamics, and kinematics to the students. They participate in real-time activities as well as anonymous exercises that are meant to realize the physical laws dominating the universe.


13. History:

History lectures remain around the human race but go into the events, newnesses, and reformists who find men still shaping the environment on their own. Students are encouraged to read the primary sources and areas of the political and social changes on separate civilizations are presented.

Afghan School Books

School Teacher's Guide Books