Grade Six Books

Subjects studied in Grade Six in Afghanistan Schools

1. Quranic Studies:

In grade 6, students memorize longer Surahs from the Quran and focus on proper recitation including Tajweed, while going into the meanings of the verses and their practical applications in life. They also repeat some key Islamic values.


2. Pashto Language:

students are taught more about grammar and vocabulary in Pashto so they can write an essay and interpret pashto literature. The aim is to make the students think more.


3. Dari Language:

Students learn how to read and write harder texts in Dari and are also expected to write some type of creative writing. Again, the idea is usually to think more.


4. Painting:

Students are expected to do more difficult activities that they have done previously, and also paint things with more detail. They are supposed to think of what paints to use, what technique is more suitable and then to express that on the paper.


5. Math:

Students start to learn about more complicated stuff such as ratios, fractions, some simple Algebra and also geometry. Often they do not realize that they are also doing math while working.


6. Science:

Students learn about the human, plant and animal body, all with simple experiments, about the weather, all with simple measurements, and about simple natural body characteristics that they can observe.


7. Social Science:

It consists of history -what has happened in the past, geography -what human-made buildings are in the world and culture – why some people do things in some societies, together with the civilization – what are some societies structured in this way.


8. English Language:

Students complete the alphabet if they had not done so, read and write short stories, learn about expression.

Afghan School Books

School Teacher's Guide Books